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X²: The Threat

What is the Escape From Xenon mission?

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Author Details
By: Alex Vanderbilt
Edited: 16/06/09 08:04

Mission Requirements:
  • Any ship

  • Minimum Combat Rank

Recommended Equipment:
  • Docking Computer

  • Boost Extension

  • Combat-capable ship (or several)

This mission has two phases. The first requires you to transport a person non-stop to a station in the same sector. Do not dock at any other station or carrier ship (including docking an M5 to an M6) or you will fail this phase. Once you dock at the target station you get paid a small amount of money.

Beware at this point. As soon as you accept this mission there will be a group of Xenon waiting for you. They will try to kill your passenger by destroying your ship - and they will try everything. The only way to stop them is to kill them. Even when you have successfully finished the transport phase of the mission, the Xenon will try to destroy the ship you used for this mission, so don't think of relaxing when you undock from that target station.

Q: Is there a minimum required ship to do these missions?
A: No, but of course you will need weapons and shields etc. to survive.

Q: Can I capture the Xenon ships?
A: Yes.

Q: What ships can I expect to attack me?
A: You will mostly see fighter craft (M5, M4, and M3), although other ships may appear if you have a high ranking.

Q: Do I have to take him directly to the destination station first?
A: No, you can take him along for the fight if you wish - but if you dock anywhere besides the destination you will not get paid.

Q: Can I just deliver him and leave sector without attacking the Xenon?
A: Yes, but the Xenon will attempt to follow you if they can.

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